Ketevan Tsikhelashvili met with Pankisi youth

25 May 2019
The State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili together with the Deputy Minister Lia Gigauri met with Pankisi youth. The main goal of the meeting was to discuss the vision and plans related to the development of the Pankisi Gorge and to hear the opinion of young people about these issues.

According to the State Minister, such a dialogue with the population will continue in the future as well.

"Today we talked about education, interests of youth, including vocational education, tourism and tourism potential. We also talked about how to interact with the population of Pankisi and the rest of the region.

"In general, I think that the State together with the public sector should be involved in the use of existing resources effectively. When young people are active and engaged, this is the part of the healthy process. We will continue this communication with young people, as well as other groups in the Pankisi Gorge”, - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

According to the young people, this meeting was interesting and productive. They said that have received significant information about the steps that are planned for the development of the valley. The State Minister has listened to their assessments and recommendations. "We had an exchange of opinions on what could be done in the Pankisi Gorge. We talked about different directions and I think that we will continue to hold the similar meetings. Such communication and exchange of ideas are necessary for development. Will it be Pankisi or other region, it is necessary to meet with different segments, sharing and receiving information. Today's meeting is a good example of this. In my opinion, it was very positive and resulting", - said Sulkhan Bodzikashvili, one of the participants of the meeting.