Lia Gigauri met with the population of Gantiadi, Javakhi and Shindlari villages

13 August 2019
Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Lia Gigauri visited the villages of Gantiadi, Javakhi and Shindlari in Dmanisi municipality and met with the local population.

The meetings were attended by the representatives of the legislature and local self-government. They discussed the challenges and problems of the population in the region.

Locals, including the representatives of ethnic minorities, in details spoke about their needs related to infrastructure issues - water supply, roads, streets and schools. During the meetings the population was informed about the planned projects in their villages and in the region. Representatives of central and local government, as well as the legislature, answered on their questions.

“Today we met the population of three villages in Dmanisi municipality. Such direct and open meetings are important in order to make the budget of the country according to the needs of the population, taking into account their interests. In this way it is possible to get closer to the people in the regions, maximize their involvement and participation in the planning process, be able to hear evaluations of current projects and identify new priorities together.

On today's meetings the problem of drinking and irrigation water and the need to increase the efficiency of medical services were highlighted. People here openly talk about their problems because they believe that their recommendations will not be ignored and the authorities will do their best to resolve them”, - said Lia Gigauri.