Lia Gigauri visited the villages of Pankisi Gorge - Sakobiano, Koreti, Kvareltskali and Duisi

25 September 2019
"All the issues raised at the meetings will be taken into account when planning next year's budget". Such a statement the Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Lia Gigauri made during the visit to Pankisi Gorge villages - Sakobiano, Koreti, Kvareltskali and Duisi - where she met with locals.

The purpose of the meetings was to get information from the population on their needs and take it into account during the planning of the next year's budget.

In addition to sharing the challenges, the villagers of four villages also heard about the planned steps in the region. Locals were also given the opportunity to share their views and visions.

According to the Deputy State Minister, the meeting with the population is useful and at the same time necessary to ensure their involvement in the decision-making process.

“We have been meeting people in Pankisi Gorge for the second day and hearing about the needs of the villages. In these two days, locals of eight villages have identified areas of vital importance to the valley. The problem of drinking water and roads can be named as a priority. However, the issues raised by young people were very interesting - the creation and development of cultural centers, the opening of different art circles and, most importantly, the various activities to promote Vainakh culture. In this regard, they have received prior approval from representatives of different structures. An agreement has been reached with the population and all issues raised during the meetings will be taken into consideration when planning the budget. We will meet them again in a few months and will show them the result”, - said Lia Gigauri.

The meetings were also attended by Irakli Kadagishvili, State Representative in Kakheti, MPs Endzela Machavariani and Gela Samkharauli and representatives of local self-government.