Tea Akhvlediani held a meeting with the newly appointed Deputy Ambassador of the United States, Alan Purcell

28 June 2023

The State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality held an introductory meeting with the Deputy Ambassador of the United States of America, Alan Purcell.

Tea Akhvlediani congratulated the foreign diplomat on the start of work in the mentioned position and wished him success. Acting Deputy US Ambassador Rian Harris also participated in the meeting, to whom the Minister thanked for fruitful cooperation over the past years and summarized the joint activities.

The State Minister noted the extremely great importance of the firm support of the US to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within the internationally recognized borders, as well as to the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

She also emphasized the important role of the US in the process of peaceful resolution of the conflict in Georgia, including by promoting the restoration of trust between societies divided by war and supporting the conflict-affected population living along the dividing line.

The parties discussed the process of implementing reconciliation and engagement policies, including the peace initiative “A Step to a Better Future”, which will improve the socio-economic situation of the population affected by the conflict in the conditions of the severe humanitarian and legal situation on the ground, as well as the restoration of dialogue and trust based on common interests between the artificially divided society.

The conversation also touched on current issues of cooperation with the US, future plans and new initiatives within the framework of the implementation of the policy of reconciliation and engagement.

The parties discussed the priorities of further cooperation and agreed to continue closely coordinated partnership.