“There is no justification for closing the so-called border checkpoints because of the non-existent epidemic

22 January 2019
"This is inhuman, this is not in anyone’s interest, and, believe me, the population of these regions is very worried. We have a lot of references confirming that the population there have problems with access to food. Such statement in respond to the closure of so called check points Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region made the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

As the State Minister said, the situation is absolutely unacceptable and the population of Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia faces a lot of difficulties.

"It is already the 12th day that the population of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali is in full isolation. The population of Tskhinvali is in a particularly difficult and catastrophic situation, because the Transcaucasian highway is closed due to heavy snowfall. Consequently, the population does not have access to elementary, vital products, including food. It is difficult and nonstandard. Students have no access to education, as well as other part of the population have limited access to trade, which is very important for their families and the rest of the population.

From the day of imposing restrictions on the checkpoints, we have been working in 24-hour regime to solve this problem together with our partners.

There is no justification for closing the so-called border checkpoints allegedly in relation to epidemics. The situation is not epidemic. Therefore, it is not an adequate pretext for creating problems for the population. I would like to once again remind everyone that it is not only an illegal but also an inhumane decision.

I want to appeal to everyone to reconsider this illegal and inhuman decision. Together with our partners we offer absolutely all the ways and resolve this problem and prevent nutrition problems among the population. I urge them to take a step in this direction", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.