Ruslan Abashidze met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade of Vanuatu

15 March 2019
The First Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ruslan Abashidze met the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade of Vanuatu Ralph Regenvanu, who is visiting Georgia.

One of the main topics of the conversation was the tragically death of Irakli Kvaratskhelia in the Gali district. The First State Minister introduced guest the current situation in Georgia's occupied territories. They reviewed the facts of human rights violations. Ruslan Abashidze talked about the challenges and problems of the population residing on both sides of the dividing lines.

A special attention was paid to the situation of ethnic Georgian population of Gali and Akhalgori districts, restrictions of the freedom of movement and prohibition of education in native language.

Vanuatu's Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade Minister was interested in the reconciliation and engagement policy of Georgian government and its peacekeeping approaches. They also focused on the Government's peace initiative "A Step to a Better Future", which envisages economic strengthening of the population living on the occupied territories and facilitating access to various services to them.