Ketevan Tsikhelashvili: "It is very important for families to be aware of where their relatives are buried”

26 March 2019
With the efforts of the trilateral coordination mechanism, the bodies of seven Georgian citizens who died in the 2008 Russia-Georgia war have been transferred to their families.

The State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili attended the process at the Levan Samkharauli’s National Forensics Bureau. According to her, with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the search and identification of missing people continuous already 9 year.

"I want to tell you that this is a very high humanitarian process. Of course, it is very painful because we talk about the great tragedy, about the pain that does not slow down, but now the families know where their relatives are buried and they have an opportunity to express their dignity with the loss of loved ones during the armed conflict.

"I want to thank all the people involved in the process. I hope the work will go on and everyone who has been looking for a lost relative for years and is asking the main question - where are they and what will happen to them – will receive answers. And in case of tragic end they will be able to have a grave of a relative", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

With the involvement of the State Security Service and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the removal of the remains from occupied Tskhinvali region was carried out on March 19. The tomb, which was located near the village Tamarasheni cemetery, was opened in October 2017.

With the involvement of the State Security Service and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the removal of the remains from occupied Tskhinvali region was carried out on March 19. The ICRC opened the grave near village Tamarasheni, Tskhinvali and exhumed the bodies in October, 2017.