An informational meeting was held on “1 + 4” educational program with high school students of Ninotsminda municipality villages

29 March 2019
The representatives of the Office of State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality held an informational meeting on "Educational Program for Training in Georgian Language" (“1 + 4” Program) in the Ninotsminda’s public school.

Besides above mentioned school pupils, the high school students of the villages Ghandzi, Satkhi and Poka attended the meeting. Representatives of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia and the National Assessment and Examination Center talked about the “1 + 4” educational program, the possibilities and involvement in it. Representatives of Davit Aghmashenebeli’s National Defense Academy also provided information on the conditions and prospects of pupils.

Since 2010, ethnic minorities have the opportunity to receive higher education in Georgia in a simplified manner. During one year young people are studying in the Georgian language and then they continue to study in the desired faculty in case of accumulation of 60 credits.

Since 2010, the number of young people enrolled in the program constantly increases. Current year “1 + 4” graduates started to provide information to the representatives of ethnic minorities, throughout Georgia. As a result of volunteer activities, they have already held meetings in 71 villages of 13 municipalities. The number of trainings reached 66, with 1006 people attending.