Ketevan Tsikhelashvili opened in Marneuli Georgian Center for the Integration of Azerbaijanis

3 April 2019
The State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili together with Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee of Diaspora Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan opened in Marneuli Georgian Center for the Integration of Azerbaijanis.

The center will be multi-profile. There will be Georgian and Azerbaijani language courses, history courses, sports circles and so on.

The State Minister addressed the gathered community and said that achieving civic integration is the main task of the State and it means that each citizen is equal, despite ethnicity or religion.

"The State will do everything in order to create conditions where every citizen of the country will be maximally realized. I hope the opening of this center will be one of the steps that will be taken in this direction and will help with the tasks of civic integration.

"I am pleased that young people are active, there are many ideas and projects. This is a generation that knows both native and State language. I think it is a real acquisition for the country, a new force for our common state that must say its word and contribute to the development of the country. I want to thank everyone who helps us. Of course, our guests from Azerbaijan – thanks for their visit and engagement. Georgia and Azerbaijan are connected with strategic relations and friendship. This will certainly continue in the future and I would like to wish this center to succeed", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

Fuda Muradov, the Chairman of the Diaspora Issues Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Beka Odisharia, the Head of the Diaspora and Caucasus Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Majoritarian MPs and local government representatives also addressed the public. The event was also attended by the Ambassadors of Azerbaijan and Turkey.