"With the close cooperation and engagement we want to help the Pankisi Gorge to use fully the high potential that it has"

12 April 2019
The State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality and the Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure continue to hold meetings in the villages of Pankisi Gorge. This time they visited Omalo, Kvareltskali and Duisi.

In Omalo Ketevan Tsikhelashvili and Maia Tskhitishvili met with the locals and talked about their needs. The locals talked about the problem of drinking water, emergency ambulance service in the Gorge and the necessity to build sports and cultural objects.  

From Omalo ministers moved to Kvareltskali Public Center and met with Pankisi elders. One of the main topics was the construction of a road connecting Pankisi and Tusheti. The Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure noted that the project has not been stopped.

The last meeting was held at the Women's Council in Duisi. As the State Minister Ketevan Tsikhelashvili said, meetings were very interesting and fruitful.

"We met different groups of people. One of the meetings was held with the Women's Council, teachers. Including young women who have recently passed a special program in business. We have implemented this program together with the United Nations. Ten out of 14 women have already received a small grant and are going to start their own production. I wish them success. This is only a fragment from the program that we have for the development of Pankisi. Today, we are discussing plans, vision and challenges of the population. I am glad that different groups of people mentioned what we have already done. With the close cooperation and engagement we want to help the Pankisi Gorge to use fully the high potential that it has from economic, social, tourist or cultural viewpoints. This valley is not just a landscape. This is culture, people, identity and traditions, which are carried out in terms of Kist and Georgian relations.

"I think these meetings were very productive. You know that Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure also participated and many issues were directly related to the infrastructure. The population, as always, was very active. I am glad that I have the opportunity to visit the Gorge and naturally we will continue to work in this region intensively. We have a special plan of development and the population is involved in the further processing of this plan", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

Today, ministers also met with the youth of Pankisi and the population of the village Matani.