Ruslan Abashidze met with representatives of Ukraine's state structural units and civil society

23 April 2019
The First Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ruslan Abashidze met with representatives of Ukraine's state structural units and civil society representatives.

The goal of the study visit is to introduce and share Georgian experience regarding UN Security Council Resolutions - Women, Peace and Security - on implementation of action plans.

One of the main topics of discussion was the occupied territories of Georgia and the situation there. Ruslan Abashidze informed the guests about the serious humanitarian situation in the occupied regions, the gross violation of human rights, the discrimination on ethnic grounds and the restriction of movement.

They also talked about Georgia's peacekeeping policy. Discuss the ongoing and current events in the direction of reconciliation and engagement, as well as the planned steps. 

Participants discussed the Government's peace initiative "A Step to a Better Future", which envisages economic strengthening of the population living on the occupied territories and facilitating access to various services to them. The First Deputy State Minister said that the initiative is currently in the process of implementation.

Geneva International Discussions and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism also were discussed. The sides talked about the efficiency and progress of the format. The importance of women's participation in the peace process was emphasized.