Participants of the Geneva International Discussions introduced to NGOs and experts information about the negotiations process

20 May 2019
With the organization of the Office of the State Minister for reconciliation and Civic Equality, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UN Women, women's of non-governmental organizations and experts received the information about the last rounds of Geneva International Discussions (GID) during the information meeting.

Head of Department of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Former Autonomous District of South Ossetia and Civil Integration Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Zviad Zviadadze and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Lasha Darsalia introduced to the audience the details of GID. They talked about the issues discussed in the last rounds and the topics that are on the agenda of the next round. The importance of the GID and its role in the conflict resolution process was noted.

The importance of women's involvement in the peaceful settlement of the conflict was emphasized. It was noted that this fact will make the peace process more dynamic.

"This information meeting is already traditional and is held jointly for years. Meetings are always quite interesting. They are attended by the representatives of various agencies as well as non-governmental organizations. Also people who are engaged in the process of Geneva International Discussions. All the questions of the representatives of the civil sector and non-governmental organizations were answered exhaustively. These types of meetings will continue in the future as well", - said Zviad Zviadadze.

The United Nations Permanent Coordinator and UNDP Permanent Representative in Georgia Luiza Winton, Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia Ruslan Abashidze and the deputy director of the Information Security Department of the State Security Service Irakli Antadze also delivered speeches during the meeting. 

This meeting is undertaken within the UN Security Council resolutions "On women, peace and security" within the 2018-2020 National Action Plan.