"Our struggle for independence will not end until the fifth of Georgian territory is occupied"

26 May 2019
"I want to congratulate every citizen of Georgia on the Independence Day. This is the achievement of each of our citizen". With these words Ketevan Tsikhelashvili congratulated the Independence Day to the population of Georgia from the Freedom Square, where she attended the event dedicated to this day.

According to the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality, May 26 is the day for which our ancestors - regardless of ethnic or religious origin - fought for a century ago.

"In that period the Soviet Empire hindered our independence for seven decades, but for a quarter of a century we still have the independence that we should take care of. Our struggle for independence is not over. It is obvious that the fifth of Georgian territory is occupied. We are continuing this struggle. We continue peacefully, with development, progress and we will finish it with victory.

"Today I will be in Akhalkalaki with our Armenian citizens. We will also have a special celebration in Marneuli, with our Azerbaijani citizens. I want to address every citizen, people of different ethnic and religious origins, people living along the occupation line and on occupied territories, that freedom is our greatest value. Freedom of each of them is our country's freedom. This is our day", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

This year the Independence Day is devoted to the sharing knowledge and the importance of education. All the state structures are involved in the events of May 26 and the administration of the Government of Georgia coordinate their activities.