We are trying our best through all possible channels to make every effort to prevent people from being held hostage to such unjustified political interests"

10 September 2019
“What is happening now is absolutely unacceptable. I am no longer talking about being illegitimate and illegal”. Such a statement the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili made while commenting the closure of the so-called crossing point in Akhalgori direction.

According to her, it is impossible to have any excuses and arguments. This is a direct pressure on the population.

“At this time, when the movement in the direction of Odzisi-Akhalgori was completely stalled, the de facto representatives of Tskhinvali themselves announced that it was for two days. According to yesterday's announcement, they do not specified when it may be opened. It is a mechanism of oppression and its victim and hostage is population - ordinary people, mainly Akhalgori people, most of whom are ethnic Georgians, but I assure you that it also has a very severe impact on our Ossetian population. When the only vital line closes, in fact, the region is completely isolated and a humanitarian catastrophe is created.

"As you know, at the beginning of the previous year, the movement was shut down for two months, for the same absurd reason that it created the danger of spreading the flu virus, which was already widespread. After months of outbreaks throughout Europe, including in Georgia, people in the Tskhinvali region had to deal with the virus. Including kindergartens and schools.

"As critical and clear as I am in my assessment, I would still like to express the hope that the regime that uses this measure in order to oppress people will be aware of the very grave humanitarian consequences it will have on divided families and this unlawful restriction will be removed", - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

She also talked about the measures that are being taken by the State in order to remove restrictions. According to the State Minister, there is ongoing work with the partners and numerous meetings have been held in this regard.

“I have just finished meeting with CoE rapporteurs who. Unfortunately, for the past several years they do not have the access to other side. These are the people who, on the instructions of the Secretary General, are constantly preparing a monitoring report on the situation.

“We also discussed with them the most pressing humanitarian challenge. Also with the co-chairs of Geneva talks. Of course, there is also communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are trying our best through all possible channels to make every effort to prevent people from being held hostage to such unjustified political interests.

These people live in very difficult conditions under the ongoing occupation. But such an actions also affect Georgians, Ossetians, Abkhazians and all those living in these regions. It is time for the human factor to be taken into account before a full-scale resolution of the conflict will be possible”, - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.