Lia Gigauri met with the population of Avlevi and Knolevi - villages along the dividing line

30 September 2019
Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Lia Gigauri met with the population of Avlevi and Knolevi villages in Kareli municipality.

The purpose of the meetings was to get acquainted with the situation in the villages and to learn about the difficulties and challenges facing the population.

The locals were informed about the planned projects in their villages and in the region in general. Representatives of central and local government, as well as the legislature, answered each question thoroughly.

“Meetings with the population continues. This time, we meet the population of the villages along the dividing line, in Kareli municipality. They expressed interest and asked questions about the needs of each village. It is important that we have an interagency commission focused on resolving the problems of these villagers. People thanked us, because we resolved the problems of road, water and gas supply. Besides, they will receive some help for winter season and the students can receive education in the universities of Georgia freely.

“At the same time, the population expressed concern about various needs, which is very important for us and these issues will be discussed at the next sitting of the commission. Each meeting was held on an interactive basis and we received very important information on the situation on the ground”, - said Lia Gigauri.

The meetings were also attended by the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Irine Abuladze, Deputy State Representative in the Shida Kartli region, representatives of the legislative body and local self-government.