Ketevan Tsikhelashvili met with young people in Marneuli

23 October 2019
State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, together with her deputy, Lia Gigauri, met with ethnic minority youth in Marneuli.

At the meeting, the State Minister talked about Georgia's peace policy. Discussed the situation in the conflict regions and in the villages along the dividing line.

The youth were given the opportunity to share their views. The State Minister answered each question thoroughly.

“Of course, it is very important for every citizen to be informed and involved in the peace efforts that our country is making. Especially - young people. Such meetings are held periodically. Including in the universities with different groups.

“It is important to me not only to inform young people, but also to share their views. The peace process is something that only the State can’t do. Public diplomacy and citizen engagement is the key issue. Very often interesting ideas and projects come from the youth”, - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

The meeting was also attended by the Mayor of Marneuli Zaur Dargalli.