The 97th Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) took place in Ergneti.
Participants stressed the value of the IPRM format, emphasized the importance of direct dialogue, and engaged in constructive discussions on the most pressing issues influencing stability and security on the ground.
The participants discussed several issues pertaining to stabilization and normalization, the so-called borderization processes along the dividing line, the security situation in the Chorchana-Tsnelisi area, as well as other locations, and important freedom of movement and livelihood topics. The impact of the prolonged closure of the controlled crossing points along the dividing line and the effects of the coronavirus pandemic were also discussed. Significant attention was devoted to the recent detention cases.
The important role of the EUMM-managed hotline was underscored, with the co-facilitators emphasizing that timely information exchange through all available platforms for preventing incidents and reducing tensions along the ABL remains crucial.
The participants agreed to plan for a subsequent meeting on 20 November 2020, situation permitting.