Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality gave a presentation of its State Strategy on Civic Equality and Integration and its respective Action Plan for 2015-2020. The First Deputy State Minster Mrs. Ketevan Tsikhelashvili opened the session.
“The new Strategy and its Action Plan are completely based on the principle of equality – each citizen of Georgia, regardless of his/her ethnic background, is equal and we should create equal opportunities in order to enable each one of them to get involved in all areas of public and political life. Besides, one of the key priorities for the state is to broaden opportunities for the representatives of ethnic minorities to possess the State Language. Media and information availability is linked with this as well,” – Mrs. Ketevan Tsikhelashvili declared.
Mrs. Tinatin Gogheliani, the Head of Department for Relations with International Organisations and Legal Provision presented the document before the audience. The planned and implemented activities were discussed by the respective deputy ministers in charge of Education and Science, Regional Development and Infrastructure, Culture and Monument Protection, Justice, Agriculture.
Representatives of non-governmental and international organizations, diplomatic corps and experts took part into the meeting.
The Government of Georgia approved the State Strategy on Civic Equality and Integration and its respective Action Plan for 2015-2020 on August 17, 2015.