Meeting Dedicated to Muhajir Day of Caucasian Peoples

20 May 2016
The meeting dedicated the Muhajir Day of Caucasian Peoples took place at the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia, under the arrangement of State Minister’s Office for Reconciliation and Civic Equality.
Addressing the university students of Georgia, different professors of Caucasian studies delivered a public lecture on the topic: “May 21 Muhajir Day – Tragic Chapter in the Lives of Caucasians.”
21 May is known as the Muhajir Day in Caucasus, which relates to forced resettlement of indigenous populations of Caucasus to Ottoman Empire (including Abkhazians, Abaza, Abadzakha, Bzhedugha, Circassians, Ubykhs, Chechens, Ingushs, Karachais, Kabardians, Ossetians, Noghas resided in Kuban and Muslim communities living in southern Georgia).
In its latest phase of Caucasus War, 1859-1864, Tsarist regime proceeded on forced relocation of defiant Caucasian mountaineers from their homeland. The process is known as Muhajir Day.
In 2011 the Parliament of Georgia adopted a resolution which recognized the “mass destruction and expel of Circassians from their historic homeland” by Russian Empire in 19th century as an “act of genocide.”