"The State has a special obligation to protect the Abkhaz language, like the Georgian language"

28 October 2019
State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili hosted the event dedicated to the Abkhaz Language Day.

At the event, the State Minister spoke about the uniqueness and importance of the Abkhaz language and noted that due to the situation on the occupied territory it needs protection and development.

Ketevan Tsikhelashvili focused on the steps the State is taking to promote the Abkhaz language. Including the State Program on the Abkhaz Language adopted in 2017.

“I would like to congratulate everyone on Abkhaz Language Week, which already has become a tradition. For us, Abkhaz is the second state language protected by the Constitution of Georgia. The State has a special obligation to protect it, like the Georgian language. Considering the current state of Abkhaz language and identity in the context of the process of Russification on the occupied territories, it becomes increasingly clear that we need to take special measures to preserve, protect and develop this language.

“People gathered here today work in different fields and contribute to the development of the Abkhaz language as scientists, teachers, writers and poets. We also had a guest theater troupe of young spectators who prepared an Abkhaz performance. Its premiere is scheduled for November 8. It is about Georgian-Abkhazian relations. It is the artists' step towards reconciliation of our people. The message is that we must be united in our efforts to protect our culture and identity”, - said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili.

At the end of the meeting, Ketevan Tsikhelashvili presented participants Georgian-Circassian-Abkhazian etymological dictionary and Georgian-Abkhazian-English dictionary as a gift.

The event was organized by the Office of the State Minister and State Language Department.